The Tour Begins in Västra Götalands!
After the packing saga, David and I finally got on the road in Tibro. We have already altered our route decided to travel along the Western side of Lake Vänern. I'm thinking planning this trip was more of a "guideline" rather than a prescribed itinerary.
Joining us for our first leg of the journey was our friend Urban. I met Urban at the family party for the finale of Allt För Sverige. At that party, I met about one hundred Swedes that share ancestry with me. Unfortunately, it's been difficult to keep in touch with all of them. But lucky for me Urban introduced himself at the party and suggested that I ride motorcycles with him in Sweden the following summer- and now here I am! It was nice to ride with a Swede for the first 125 km to get a better feel for the local rules of the road. He led us to a campground in Skövde where David and I spent the first night of our trip. The following morning he met us and led us to Trollhatten, where David and I met more family friends. Thanks Urban for the ride!
David, me and Urban in Trollhätten at the end of our ride together.