Dalsland lupine flowers, aqueducts and our first moose sighting!
After our ride with Urban to Trollhätten, David and I met up with the Lext family. Suzanne and Torbjörn have been family friends for many years. Suzanne's family is a distant relative to our great great grandfather, and my brother and father visited them in Trollhätten several years ago. It was nice to get a home-cooked meal and talk motorcycles with Torbjörn. He and Suzanne have motorcycled all over Europe, so their advice was certainly helpful! After lunch, Torbjörn rode with us for a bit before splitting off to get back to work. (But I could tell he wanted to keeping riding with us and blow off work!) David and I continued on along E45 on the West side of Lake Vänern. The purple wild Lupine was spectacular, which made it hard to keep my eyes on the road! On a scenic detour we even saw a moose in the distance, grazing on in the fields of grass. We took a short trip off of E45 to see the Aqueduct and the Dalsland Canal near Håverud.
We continued on to Karlstad where we set up camp for the night and slept through some rain showers. We were going to pay a few Krona to sleep in an official campsite, to get showers and electricity, but the place required a online reservation, something we didn't expect. I've noticed many thing in Sweden have moved online with apps and other devices, which makes me cranky. In our stubbornness, we camped across the road in the forest and walked the five minutes to use their services. I guess we are bad Americans and don't like following Swedish rules!
Next- onto Mora and Värmland!
Torbjörn and his Ducati outside his home in Trollhä tten.
Dalsland Aquaducts
Our first Moose spotting! I'm sure we'll see many more.